What’s your data storage & management strategy ? #The Imaging Data Management Strategy Series

2019-08-12T10:00:12+02:00August 12th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

Where are your images? For most healthcare enterprises, the answer is “here and there.” But that’s not good enough. You need tools that help you meet today’s twin challenges of simultaneously reducing the costs of healthcare delivery while improving the delivery of patient care. And that requires fast, easy access to the patients’ images, no matter where they come from, for clinicians, referring physicians and the patients themselves.

How can you end information silos and at the same time optimize the management of IT infrastructure and costs ?

The Agfa HealthCare Enterprise Imaging VNA consolidates all your imaging data, from multiple systems, departments, facilities and vendors, into a central clinical data foundation:

  • One consolidated image data repository
  • Standards-based for true interoperability
  • Data synchronization, supporting data integrity
  • Industry-standard interfaces & Vendor neutral
  • Scalability, availability and disaster recovery
  • Supporting security in line with hospital policy
  • Information Lifecycle Management:  intuitive rules engine supporting data retention policies


A strong imaging data storage strategy supports the move from a volume-based to a quality-based reimbursement system.
Agfa HealthCare Enterprise Imaging VNA supports a long term strategy, giving you more control and eliminating unnecessary costs.

Download the leaflet here.

Imaging Data Management & Storage is just one of the 5 key areas of a powerful Imaging Data Management Strategy.





Find out where your organization excels and get tailored feedback to address challenges and opportunities in your 
Imaging Data Management Strategy.
Answer 15 questions to advance your Imaging Data Management and the delivery of timely high-quality patient care. Start here.


Printed on : 23/02/2025 05:49
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