UKIO2019 in numbers & pictures

2019-06-28T12:00:57+02:00June 28th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions, General|

A little throwback to 2 weeks ago when UKIO 2019 took place in Liverpool…..

  • 3,237 total attendees to UKIO
  • 350 Agfa unicorn squishies given out
  • 290 Congress Dinner tickets
  • 17 Harmonising singers at Monday’s evening drinks reception
  • 23 Agfa team members with sore throats after many / countless demo’s and discussions”
  • and 1 winner of UKIO 2019 Agfa iPad

Save the date: UKIO 2020 | 01- 03 June 2020 | ACC Liverpool

Printed on : 19/09/2024 06:37
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