Implementing one patient record – Video Series Zuckerberg San Francisco General – episode #2

2020-09-08T12:45:21+02:00December 18th, 2019|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

By rolling out their IT vision to an enterprise level and bringing other ologies to a single enterprise imaging platform, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (US) created a true universally accessible medical record, including imaging.

Learn more from RJ Merck Radiology IT Supervisor at Zuckerberg San Francisco General on how they are bringing the full power of the Enterprise Imaging platform to live.

Episode 2: Implementing one patient record

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To watch the full series, access the full playlist here.

To learn more on Enterprise Imaging for your organisation, click here.

Printed on : 19/09/2024 07:08
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