AgfaHealthCare & Medireport: first installation at FundaciĆ³n Valle del Lili, Colombia

2021-05-06T15:29:25+02:00May 6th, 2021|Cardiology, Customer Case|

English text below

FundaciĆ³n Valle del Lili en Colombia tiene reportes especializados para Intervencionismo a travĆ©s de Enterprise Imaging

AgfaHealthCare y Medireport se enorgullecen de haber realizado su primera instalaciĆ³n en Colombia, en la FundaciĆ³n Valle del Lili, reconocida como el cuarto mejor hospital de AmĆ©rica Latina.

Los pacientes de procedimientos de intervencionismo ahora tendrĆ”n acceso a informes detallados del procedimiento, incluyendo hallazgos de estudios, mediciones especĆ­ficas e imĆ”genes de diagnĆ³stico centralizadas en la plataforma EnterpriseImaging a travĆ©s de herramientas especializadas de CardioReport.

Gracias la FundaciĆ³n Valle del Lili por su confianza y al departamento de TecnologĆ­a de la fundaciĆ³n, liderados por el Dr. Juan F. Henao, por su compromiso.

Agfa HealthCare and Medireport are proud to announce their first installation in Colombia, at the FundaciĆ³n Valle del Lili, which recognized as the fourth best hospital in Latin America.

Interventional procedure patients will now have access to detailed procedure reports including study findings, specific measurements and centralized diagnostic images on the Enterprise Imaging Platform through the specialized CardioReport tools.

Thank you to FundaciĆ³n Valle del Lili for their trust and the IT Department Team led by Dr. Juan F. Henao for their commitment.

For more on the Enterprise Imaging for Cardiology, visit the Agfa HealthCare website.Ā 

Access more information on the Enterprise Imaging Platform on the Agfa HealthCare website
Printed on : 07/03/2025 03:08
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